Once you choose the right restorative treatment for your smile, Dr. Lee and the team take digital impressions of your teeth with the Medit intraoral scanner. That means there are no messy, uncomfortable physical impressions. These impressions help create molds for your new restorations.
If you’re visiting for nonsurgical treatment, you may need to return to PersonaLee Dental for a second appointment. During this visit, the team places your new restoration. Some restorative treatments, like fillings, only require one visit.
A dental implant in Woodland Hills, CA is a surgical treatment that typically takes weeks or months to plan and place. During your surgical appointment, the team uses anesthesia to numb your mouth before surgically placing the implant. It takes about 6-12 weeks for your mouth to heal before Dr. Lee and the team can take your impressions.
Depending on how many implants you need, the team may recommend dental crowns, a bridge, or dentures for your replacement teeth. At your final visit, the team attaches your replacement teeth to your implants.